How many treats can my dog have?

How many treats can my dog have?

This may be one of the most common questions I get. The rule of thumb for treat giving is that no more than 10% of your dogs recommended caloric intake. You may be asking yourself…What is my dog’s caloric intake? And how do I find it out? 

Daily Calorie Requirements for Dogs

Body weight in pounds Pupppy up to 4 mos. Puppy over 4 mos. Neutered adult Intact adult Obese prone Weight loss
1 115 77 61.5 73 58 X
2 194 129 104 123 97 X
3 264 176 141 168 132 X
4 330 220 176 198 154 110
5 390 260 208 234 182 130
6 447 298 238 268 209 149
7 501 334 267 301 234 167
8 552 368 294 331 258 184
9 603 402 322 362 281 201
10 654 436 349 392 305 218
11 702 468 374 421 328 234
12 750 500 400 450 350 250
13 795 530 424 477 371 265
14 840 560 448 504 392 280
15 885 590 472 531 413 295
16 930 620 496 558 434 310
17 972 648 518 583 454 324
18 1017 678 542 610 475 339
19 1059 706 565 635 494 353
20 1098 732 586 659 512 366
25 1299 866 693 779 606 433
30 1491 994 795 895 696 497
35 1674 1116 893 1004 781 558
40 1848 1232 986 1109 862 616
45 2019 1346 1077 1211 942 673
50 1458 1166 1312 1021 729
55 1566 1253 1409 1096 783
60 1670 1336 1503 1169 835
65 1774 1419 1597 1242 887
70 1876 1501 1688 1313 938
75 1976 1581 1778 1383 988
80 2074 1659 1867 1452 1037
85 2170 1736 1953 1519 1085
90 2264 1811 2038 1585 1132
95 2358 1886 2122 1651 1179
100 2450 1960 2205 1715 1225

so if I have a 75lb Dalmatian who is prone to obesity, she should only get 1,383 calories a day. That means that the treats I give her should not exceed 138 calories total. That number will vary based on the nutritional value of the treat. 

Our treats are all natural with a high nutritional value. They are made with “superfoods” that are healthy and delicious, but WITHOUT the preservatives and fillers! Not only will your dog love them but so will you!
Hopefully that makes sense. I wish there was a clear cut answer but different dogs require different things. 😊 


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